
To use this POM as parent POM add this configuration to your POM:


Then your own parent POM must define this property:


The all sub modules must define this property:


That’s needed to correctly reference the configuration files for the static code analysis.

Features and Tips & Tricks

Static Code Analysis

If not disabled then the static code analysis are executed by default. If a major issue is found then the build will fail.

Disabling for a specific module

To disable the static code analysis for a specific module just set the skipCodeAnalysis property to true:


This makes sense if there is no Java code in the module to check.


The configuration for the static code analysis tools will automatically be unpacked to ${main.basedir}/target/config/code-analysis.

  • checkstyle.xml
  • checkstyle-suppressions.xml
  • pmd-ruleset.xml

If you want to provide these files yourself then disable the unpacking like this:


Then define your own file locations:



If Dependency Injection is used with setters or with fields then FindBugs needs to be configured to ignore the UWF_FIELD_NOT_INITIALIZED_IN_CONSTRUCTOR: Field not initialized in constructor but dereferenced without null check check. Sadly it’s not possible to use the annotations (@Autowired or @Inject) to suppress this check. It’s needed to use the name of the class or the name of the field.


First create the ${main.basedir}/findbugs-exclude.xml which should like this (depending on your setup):

            <Class name="~.*Service"/>
            <Class name="~.*ServiceImpl"/>
            <Class name="~.*Controller"/>
            <Class name="~.*Interceptor"/>
            <Class name="~.*Validator"/>
            <Field name="~.*Service"/>
            <Field name="~.*Controller"/>
            <Field name="~.*Interceptor"/>
            <Field name="~.*Validator"/>

Then configure the findbugs-maven-plugin:


Disable Unit Tests for a specific module

To disable the unit tests for a specific module just set the skipTests property to true:



Nothing is changed. Just use maven:

mvn clean install

Parallel Build

In a multi module maven project it’s possible to build the modules in parallel - if the dependencies allow this.

Use the -T argument. Ether define a fix thread count with -T 4 or define the thread count depended on the cores of the computer with -T 2C. 2C means for each core 2 threads will be used. E.g.: 4 cores => 8 threads.

mvn install -T 4
mvn install -T 2C

Speed Up the Build

There is another option to speed up the build. With the -o (offline) argument maven won’t check and download the dependencies which gives you a speed boost. But be careful. If there is a dependency which isn’t in your local repository then the build will fail.

mvn install -o
mvn install -o -T 2C


To generate the documentation use maven site:

mvn clean test site -P execITs,!staticCodeAnalysis
  • disable the static code analysis because the static code analysis are executed from the report plugins
  • execute the integration tests for the coverage report